Building a blog with Reactjs and

Building a blog with Reactjs and

When building apps that require a backend, we spend much time setting up a server and database, writing APIs with which the frontend can send and receive data to and from the backend. With RestDB, you can easily spin up a server, and create a database. Each database collection comes with Rest API endpoints to perform CRUD operations on the database, and of course, you can add more collections. In this article, we will learn how RestDB works by building a blog app with React using RestDB to store the blog's articles.

What is RestDB?

RestDB (also known as according to the official documentation, is a simple online NoSQL database backend with automatic APIs and low code javascript hooks. Basically, with RestDB you get a ready-to-use database with automatic APIs that you can use to perform CRUD operations on the database. RestDB completely takes away the complexity of building a server and writing endpoints for basic CRUD operations.

Why Use RestDB?

In this section, we will see some of the reasons why Software Developers should consider using RestDB.

  • Easy to use: With RestDB, you can define schema for your data, add collections and descriptions for your collections for your models.
  • It is free for teams: You can give access to people on your team, depending on their needs and access levels.
  • With RestDB, You don’t only get a database. You can also link the database up with your web page domain easily.

They are other NoSQL database backends like RestDB e.g Google firebase realtime database and cloud firestore, Amazon DynamoDB, Azure Cosmos DB, Amazon DocumentDB, etc. These alternatives also provide easy-to-use and fully managed cloud-based databases just like RestDB with some other added features like MongoDB compatibility (Amazon DucumentDB), the option to integrate with an SQL database(Azure Cosmos DB), etc. Learn more about RestDB alternatives here: 5 Powerful Alternatives to REST APIs.

Next, we will learn how to work with it by building a blog app with React and connecting it to a RestDB database.

Building a Blog with React and RestDB.

To get started, we will clone a repo from Github. This repo contains the starting files (components) of the project and some config/setups. To do this, open your command line terminal and run the command below.

   git clone

After cloning, navigate into the project folder and install dependencies by running the command below.

yarn install


npm install

In this project, I have already added some components and configs. We have tailwind setup for styling, react-router-dom for navigation, to render markdown styles we will be using react-markdown and two of its plugins: remark-gfm and rehype-raw. Let’s quickly go over the components we have in the project.

  • Button - This is a simple Button component with 2 variants.
  • Navbar - This component shows the name of the blog and a button that routes a page where we can create a post and a button to go back to the home page.
  • PreviewPost - This component renders the body of a post with react-markdown, we will use this in a write page to preview what the article’s body looks like.

We also have three helper functions in src/utils/helperFunctions.js,

  • truncateText- it will be used for truncating texts so they don’t overflow out of their parent elements.
  • calcReadTime - this calculates the read time of an article, using the number of words contained in the body of the article and a metric of 200 words per minute.
  • convertDate - for converting timestamps to a particular data format using moment.

Lastly, in src/page, they are three folders with index.jsx files in each. the files in each just render paragraphs for now. Later in this article, we will update them.

Next, let’s create a RestDB account, set up a database, and connect our app to it.

Creating a RestDB Account

Let’s navigate to the RestDB official webpage.

RestDB landing page

Click on the "Get your account" button. That will take you to a page where you can signup.

Signup page

After signing up and verifying your account (if you don’t use the Google or Facebook signup options), You will see a page like the one below.

Databases page

Yay!!, You have now created your RestDB account. Next, let us create a database for our blog app to do this, click on the "Create New" button at the top-right of the page. It will pull up a modal like the one below, where we can enter the name of the database or even copy an existing database. But we will be creating a new one here. So enter what you’d like to name the database, I will name mine restblog.

Create a Database

We just created our first RestDB database. You should see a screen like this

Click on the database name to create a collection, define a schema for the collection’s models and connect our blog with it.

You will see a page like the one below, basically empty except for the sidebar and an icon at the top-right of the page. Click on that gear icon. It will enable developer mode so we can do all the things stated in the paragraph above.

When you click on that icon, you should see a screen like this,

I know that looks a bit confusing, and you might want to ask why we have those things there when we’ve not created any collection in the database. The answer is, when you create a database in RestDB, it auto-generates a users collection, it also generates other collections for emails etc. For the purpose of this article, we won't be handling authentication so we won’t use the users collection and the other autogenerated collections. Let’s simply add a collection for our blog’s articles.

To do this, click on the "Add Collection" button, I’ll call the collection articles. Add a description as well (It’s optional though) and save.

Adding Collection

Upon saving, You will see that the collection we just created is in the list of collections. Click on it to add models to it.

You should see a page like this.

Here we will be adding fields (models for the collection we created). Click on the "Add Field" button to get started.

You will see a screen like the one above. We will be creating four fields;

  • title - This will be an article’s title
  • body - The article’s content
  • tags - Technologies used in the article e.g. react, react-router-dom, etc. it will be optional.
  • timestamp - time the article was posted.

Below is a Github gist containing what we need to create each field.

If you added the fields following the table above, you should see something like this.

We have now successfully created a RestDB account, created a database, a collection in that database for the blog’s articles. We also add models to the collection. What we have to do next is connect our React app with this database, so we can add articles to the database, delete, edit and fetch articles from the database.

Let’s see the endpoints we can hit. RestDB provides a swagger documentation for each database created. To access this documentation, click on the name of the database on the top of the sidebar just beneath the search input. It will navigate us to a page like this.

Click on “API tools”, it will open up a page like this

Click on the link under "Generate Swagger REST API" which will open up the swagger docs. In the swagger docs, You will see the endpoints autogenerated for us, for the users collection, and also for the collection we created; in my case articles.

We will need an API key to be able to access the database from our app. To do this, go back to the back where we saw the swagger docs link and click on "API Keys" in that tab, You will see this.

Click on “Manage API Keys”. You will be routed to a new page that should look like the one below.

Let’s add a new API-key for our project by clicking on the “Add new” button. A modal will pop up.

In there, add a description, select the type of HTTP request we want this API-key to support, I selected GET, POST, DELETE, and PATCH as seen above. Save and copy the API-key generated for you. You can see mine below.

Copy the API-key, go to the project you cloned. In the root directory, create a .env file, in this file add the API-key in this format,


NOTE: Do not use my API Key because by the time you will be reading this, I would have deleted it. 😂

With the API-key, we can now go back to our code editor and finish up the app.

Creating an axios instance with custom configs

Let’s create an axios instance with some configs. To do this, we will need to add the base URL of the endpoints we will hit, we’d also add some headers (example is our API key) so we don’t have to add it on all requests. Let’s get started by installing axios with the command below.

    yarn add axios


    npm install axios

With axios installed, let’s navigate to src/utils, in there add a new file api.client.js. In this new file, create an axios instance with the code below.

    import axios from "axios";

    export default axios.create({
      baseURL: "",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "x-apikey": process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY,
        "cache-control": "no-cache",

We just created an axios instance with a baseURL and custom headers. With this, we will make all the HTTP requests we will need in this app.

Building a PostForm component

In this section, we will build a component with which, We can create an article and make a POST request to add it to our RestDB database. We will also be able to edit an article with this component. In the components folder inside src, create a new folder called PostForm and a file inside it PostForm.jsx and add the code below.

    import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
    import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
    import axios from "../../utils/api.client";

    const PostForm = ({ state, id, setArticleBody }) => {
      const history = useHistory();
      const [data, setData] = useState(null);
      const [title, setTitle] = useState("");
      const [body, setBody] = useState("");
      const [tags, setTags] = useState("");
      const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
      const [error, setError] = useState("");

      useEffect(() => {
        if (id) {
          const fetchArticles = async () => {
            try {
              const { data } = await axios.get(`/articles/${id}`);
            } catch (error) {
      }, [id, setArticleBody]);

      const postArticle = async () => {
        if ((title, body)) {
          try {
                timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
            return history.push("/");
          } catch (error) {
            setError("Something went wrong!");
            return console.log(error);
        setError("Title and Body fields can't be empty!");

      const editArticle = async () => {
        if ((title, body)) {
          try {
            await axios.patch(
            return history.push("/");
          } catch (error) {
            setError("Something went wrong!");
            return console.log(error);
        setError("Title and Body fields can't be empty!");

      const onSubmitHandler = (e) => {
        if (state !== "edit") {
          return postArticle();
        return editArticle();


Above, we imported the axios instance, we also imported useEffect, useState from react as well as useHistory from react-router-dom; with this, we will route users back to the homepage after posting or editing an article. We then created states to input and textarea values using useState, we also initialized the useHistory hook to get the history object. This component has three props:

  • state - this will either be ‘add’ or ‘edit’. With this, we will know if we’re to edit an article or create a new one.
  • id - This will be null if the state equals ’edit’. if the id isn’t null/undefined, we use it to fetch the details of the article we want to edit.
  • setArticleBody - this is a function that will send the content of the article’s body to the page where this component will be used so that the PreviewPost component can use it.

We added a useEffect and inside it, we are using the id prop to fetch the details of the article we want to edit by making an HTTP request with the id. We then set the values to their respective states to populate the inputs and textarea with them.

Next, is a function postArticle. In this function, we are checkng if the title and body states have values if not, we trigger an error as those fields are required to create an article, else we make a POST request to the RestDB server sending a stringified object containing, the article’s title, body, tags(if any) and timestamp, all the fields we created in the database. The timestamp is set to the time the article is being created converted to ISO format. Beneath that, is a function for editing an article, it is similar to the postArticle function except that, it makes a PATCH request to the server with the article’s id.

The onSubmitHandler function, is passed to a form and it calls either editArticle or postArticle function depending on the state.

Let’s finish up this component with the code below to render some jsx styled with tailwind.


      return (
          onSubmit={!loading ? onSubmitHandler : () => {}}
          <h2 className="mb-6 text-2xl font-bold text-center">
            {state === "add" ? "Add New Blog Post" : "Edit Mode"}
          <div className="w-full">
              onChange={(e) => {
              placeholder="Enter the article's title"
              disabled={id && loading && true}
          <div className="w-full my-6">
              onChange={(e) => setTags(}
              placeholder="(Optional) Tags e.g javascript, typescript "
              disabled={id && loading && true}
          <div className="w-full">
              onChange={(e) => {
              placeholder="Write post content. You can use markdown syntax here"
              disabled={id && loading && true}
          {error && <p className="text-red-600 text-xs mt-3 -mb-1">{error}</p>}

    export default PostForm;

Building an ArticleCard component

Let’s build a component that will display details of an article, handle delete functionality and route a user to the edit article page. In src/components, create a new folder ArticleCard and a file named ArticleCard.jsx inside it add the code below into the file.

    import { Link, useHistory } from "react-router-dom";
    import {
    } from "../../utils/helperFunctions";
    import axios from "../../utils/api.client";

    const ArticleCard = ({ id, title, body, timeStamp, tags, refresh }) => {
      const history = useHistory();
      const handleDelete = async () => {
        const confirmed = window.confirm(
          "Are you sure you want to delete this article?"
        if (confirmed) {
          try {
            await axios.delete(`/articles/${id}`);
            refresh && refresh();
          } catch (error) {

      return (
        <Link to={`/article/${id}`}>
            className="flex flex-col justify-between bg-black h-48 py-10 px-12 rounded-md hover:bg-gray-900 transition-all duration-700 relative"
            <div className="absolute top-4 right-6 flex justify-end">
                className="mr-5 hover:text-white"
                onClick={(e) => {
                <i className="fas fa-trash" />
                onClick={(e) => {
                <i className="fas fa-pencil-alt" />
              <h3 className="font-bold text-2xl mb-4">{truncateText(title, 37)}</h3>
              <div className="flex">
                {tags?.map((tag, idx) => (
                  <p key={tag + idx} className="mr-4 opacity-80 text-white text-sm">
            <div className="flex items-center justify-between">
    export default ArticleCard;

The component above has five props;

  • id - the id of the article being rendered. This is needed for deleting and editing the article,
  • title, body, timeStamp, tags - properties of the article.
  • refresh - a function that will be called whenever an article is deleted to refresh the page thereby fetching the updated list of articles from the server.

We have a function there that sends a DELETE request to the server with the id to delete the article and then we simply render the article’s details, truncating the title with truncateText function, rendering the read time and date the article was created with calcReadTime, and convertDate respectively.

Next, we will update the write page component.

Creating Articles from the App

In this section, we will update the write page, so it can handle creating articles from the app with the PostForm component we created earlier. This component will also handle article editing using the same PostForm component, so it expects an id param. Navigate to src/pages/write/index.jsx and replace what is there with the code below.

    import { useState } from "react";
    import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";
    import Button from "../../components/Button/Button";
    import PostForm from "../../components/PostForm/PostForm";
    import PreviewPost from "../../components/PreviewPost/PreviewPost";

    const Write = () => {
      const { id } = useParams();
      const [previewMode, setPreviewMode] = useState(false);
      const [articleBody, setArticleBody] = useState("");

    return (
          className="px-20 py-8 relative text-white bg-black w-3/5 mx-auto rounded-lg"
          style={{ height: "85vh", maxHeight: "600px", overflowY: "scroll" }}
            onClick={() => setPreviewMode(!previewMode)}
            className="absolute right-8 top-6 hover:text-opacity-50 flex items-center duration-500 rdb-preview"
            style={{ color: previewMode ? "#2eff7b" : "" }}
            {previewMode ? (
              <p className="mr-3">Write</p>
            ) : (
              <p className="mr-3">Preview Body</p>
            {!previewMode ? (
              <i className="fas fa-eye" />
            ) : (
              <i className="fas fa-pencil-alt" />
          <div style={{ display: !previewMode ? "block" : "none" }}>
              state={id ? "edit" : "add"}
            <footer className="mt-4">
              <Button form="post-article" type="submit" className="mr-6">
          <div style={{ display: previewMode ? "block" : "none" }}>
            <PreviewPost children={articleBody} />

    export default Write;

Firstly, we imported the hooks and components we will need in this this file. useParams will help us access special segments of the page’s URL in this case, We are expecting the special segment of the URL to be an id (check src/App.js). In the component, we destructured out the id from the useParams hook, We also have two states; one for handling previewMode, we will use this state to toggle between showing the PostForm component or the PreviewPost component, while the articleBody state will hold the content of the article which will be set from PostForm. We then render the content of the component.

Fetching and Rendering Articles

In this section, we will update src/pages/home/index.jsx file fetch articles from the server and render them using the ArticleCard component. To do this we will need the ArticleCard component, our axios instance, useState to hold the response of the HTTP request (an array of articles) & another state for refreshing the page, and finally a useEffect to fetch the articles when the page is rendered or refreshed. Let’s do this by replacing the content of the file with the code below.

    import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
    import ArticleCard from "../../components/ArticleCard/ArticleCard";
    import axios from "../../utils/api.client";

    const Home = () => {
      const [articles, setArticles] = useState([]);
      const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
      const [refresh, setRefresh] = useState(false);

      const fetchArticles = async () => {
        try {
          const res = await axios.get("/articles");
        } catch (error) {

      useEffect(() => {
      }, [refresh]);

      return (
        <section className="w-1/2 mx-auto">
          {loading ? (
            <p className="text-center">Loading...</p>
          ) : articles?.length ? (
            articles?.map((article) => (
              <article key={article?._id} className="mb-4">
                  refresh={() => setRefresh(!refresh)}
          ) : (
            <p className="text-center">No article, create post</p>

    export default Home;

So far, we have written some codes to create, edit and delete articles. One last thing to do is create a page view the entire content of an article. The ArticleCard doesn’t show the body/content of an article. Let’s do that in the next section.

Building article page

Navigate to src/pages/article/index.jsx and replace the content of the file with the code below.

    import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
    import { useHistory, useParams } from "react-router";
    import ReactMarkdown from "react-markdown";
    import gfm from "remark-gfm";
    import rehypeRaw from "rehype-raw";
    import axios from "../../utils/api.client";
    import { calcReadTime, convertDate } from "../../utils/helperFunctions";

    const Article = () => {
      const params = useParams();
      const history = useHistory();
      const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
      const [article, setArticle] = useState(null);

      useEffect(() => {
        if (!params?.id) {
      }, [history, params]);

      useEffect(() => {
        const fetchArticle = async () => {
          if (params?.id) {
            try {
              const res = await axios.get(`/articles`, {
                params: {
                  q: {
                    _id: params?.id,
            } catch (error) {
      }, [params]);

      return (
        <div className="w-4/5 mx-auto mt-16 mb-24">
          {loading ? (
            <p className="text-center">Loading...</p>
          ) : article ? (
              <header className="rounded-md bg-black mb-10 max-w-9/12 py-12 px-20">
                <h1 className="text-2xl text-center font-semibold uppercase">
                <div className="flex items-center justify-center">
                  <p className="mt-4 text-sm text-center mr-8">
                  <p className="mt-4 text-sm text-center">
          ) : (
            <h3>Article not found!</h3>

    export default Article;

Above, We just added a block of code to

  • fetch details of an article using the article's id (gotten from the URL of the page),
  • render the title, tags, and the timestamp of the article properly using the necessary helper functions and also render the body with react-markdown as it might content markdown syntax.

It is time to test the app. In your terminal, run the command below to start the dev server.

yarn start


npm run start

You should see a screen like this.

You can go ahead and create a post, edit, delete and view. Feel free to tweak the code to your preference.


We’ve now completely built a blog app using React and RestDB; an online NoSQL database. In this article, we learned what RestDB is and how to use it by creating a RestDB account, setting up a database, adding a collection to the database, how to add models, and defining a schema for them. We also learned how to generate an API-key and how to generate a swagger documentation for a RestDB database server. And finally, we were able to connect our blog app with it.

There are still some more things you can learn about RestDB, handle authentication, add custom routes, use webhooks, and host pages, etc. To learn more visit the official documentation.
